
Pre-order exclusive, limited-edition merchandise featuring LAM’s artwork.
Spend a minimum of SGD$70 to enter a Signing Session with LAM.

Pre-order period: 12/07/23 – 20/07/23 on

Pre-Order is now closed.

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LAM Art Exhibition @ AFA Creator Super Fest 2023

This art exhibition features a selection of works by the top Japanese illustrator LAM.

Feast your eyes on some of his original works displayed as high-resolution supersized canvas prints.

Find out more on AFA CSF’s website

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For oversea fans visiting Singapore and would like to collect the merchandise during the event.
Please set your delivery address to a Singaporean Address to activate the collect-at-event option.

If you don’t have one, you can use the event venue’s address,

Hall5, 1 Expo Dr, Singapore 486150

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Signing Session with LAM

For information regarding the session, please read below.

  • The Signing Session will take place twice on both days of the event at the AFACSF Autograph Space located behind the Creators Lab stage.
  • To be eligible for the signing session with LAM, a minimum spending of SGD$70 on LAM products is required. Please collect your receipt upon payment and collection.
  • All participants are to present their receipts to enter the signing session.
  • Your receipt will be given to you upon collection of merchandise (for purchases made during the pre-order period online at and upon purchase of merchandise (for purchases made during AFACSF23 at LAM Art Exhibition booth).
  • For purchases made during the pre-order period online on, you will only be eligible for the signing session if you select “collect at the venue” option. Please inform the staff upon collection of merchandise at the cashier.
  • Collection of merchandise for pre-order purchases can be done at any-time during the 2-day event.
  • Participation of the signing session operates on a first-come-first-served basis. Please note that this applies to both pre-order collection of merchandise and on-the-spot purchases of merchandise.
  • Only one person is eligible to join the signing session, one time per day.
  • One person can only choose one item to be signed. The staff will check the item to be signed in advance.
  • Photo-taking & video recordings are strictly prohibited during the signing session.
